

l 72886必赢欢迎光临,72886必赢欢迎光临 副教授(2022.09今)

l 宾夕法尼亚州立大学,生态系统科学与管理系 博士后(2019.032021.03

l 北京大学,环境管理系,博士(2012.092018.06

l 南开大学,环境科学系,学士(2008.092012.07

Ø Associate Professor, College of The Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University (2022.09present)

Ø Postdoc, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, The Pennsylvania State University (2019.032021.03)

Ø PhD, Department of Environmental Management, Peking University (2012.092018.06)

Ø Bachelor’s Degree, Department of Environmental Science, Nankai University (2008.092012.07)


l 生态环境数据科学

l 生态环境模拟

l 环境规划与管理


Ø Eco-Environmental Data Science

Ø Ecological and Environmental Modeling

Ø Environmental Planning and Management


1. Wu Sifeng, Liang Zhongyao*, Qiu Qianlinglin. 2024. A Two-Stage Interpretable Machine Learning Framework for Accurate Prediction of Trace Pollutants: With an Application to Microcystin. ACS ES&T Water, 4:1155–1165

2. Liang Zhongyao, Xu Yaoyang, Zhao Gang, Lu Wentao, Fu Zhenghui*, Wang Shuhang*, Wagner Tyler. 2023. Approaching the upper boundary of driver–response relationships: Identifying factors using a novel framework integrating quantile regression with interpretable machine learning. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 17:76

3. Liang Zhongyao, Liu Yong, Xu Yaoyang*, Wagner Tyler. 2021. Bayesian change point quantile regression approach to enhance the understanding of shifting phytoplankton-dimethylsulfide relationships in aquatic ecosystems. Water Research, 201:117287

4. Liang Zhongyao, Xu Yaoyang, Qiu Qianlinglin, Liu Yong*, Lu Wentao*, Wagner Tyler. 2021. A Framework to Develop Joint Nutrient Criteria for Lake Eutrophication Management in Eutrophic Lakes. Journal of Hydrology, 594:125883

5. Liang Zhongyao*, Soranno Patricia A., Wagner Tyler. 2020. The role of phosphorus and nitrogen on chlorophyll a: Evidence from hundreds of lakes. Water Research, 185:116236

6. Liang Zhongyao, Zou Rui*, Chen Xing, Ren Tingyu, Su Han, Liu Yong*. 2020. Simulate the forecast capacity of a complicated water quality model using the long short-term memory approach. Journal of Hydrology, 581:124432


l 生态环境数据科学

Ø Eco-Environmental Data Science


[5] 基金委自然科学基金青年项目:富营养化湖泊内循环过程通量对水质演变的时滞效应识别与高频水质预测研究,2025.012027.12,主持

[4] 福建省自然科学基金面上项目:亚热带水库浮游植物群落结构高频变化特征分析与驱动机制识别研究,2024.112027.11主持

[3] 基金委重大项目子课题:创新驱动生态敏感地区可持续发展机制研究,2024.01~2028.12,主持

[2] 重点研发青年科学家项目子课题:黄河流域湖库氮磷时空演变过程及关键驱动机制研究,2023.122026.11主持

[1] 厦门市自然科学基金青年项目:厦门湾二氧化碳水气通量高时空精度估算研究,2023.072026.06主持

(1) 福建省高等学校科技创新团队:海岸带生态环境大数据与决策支撑,2023.062026.05参与


l 福建省高层次人才(C类)

l 厦门市高层次人才(C类)
